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Emil Melmoth
"Reflexionar sobre la muerte es, para el ser humano, una tarea indispensable si se desea existir desde una perspectiva consciente y agradecida. Somos seres de materia finita que albergan en su interior sueños hacia lo infinito. Contemplar esta fugacidad tangible nos invita a experimentar la vida con mayor claridad y plenitud, estando plenamente despiertos".

"Reflecting on death is an essential task for human beings who seek to exist from a conscious and grateful perspective. We are beings of finite matter that nurture dreams towards the infinite within us. Considering this tangible transience invites us to experience life with greater clarity and fullness, fully awake."
Emil Melmoth es un escultor mexicano formado en la Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda". Su singular propuesta artística ha ganado reconocimiento internacional a través de exposiciones individuales y colectivas. Melmoth explora lo macabro en su arte, fusionando elementos del arte sacro con el estudio médico, lo que otorga a su obra una profunda reflexión sobre la muerte.
Emil Melmoth is a Mexican sculptor trained at the National School of Painting, Sculpture, and Engraving "La Esmeralda". His unique artistic approach has gained international recognition through both solo and group exhibitions. Melmoth explores the macabre in his art by merging elements of sacred art with medical study, offering a profound reflection on death through his work.
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