Work Name


Jhonatan nació el 9 de enero de 1994 en Puerto Leguízamo, Putumayo. Es el segundo de tres hermanos y desde niño mostró su talento artístico. Al terminar el bachillerato, ingresó a la academia militar como voluntario, con el sueño de ser suboficial. Sin embargo, el destino le tenía reservada otra misión: el arte. En la sede Marco Fidel Suárez de Cali, donde prestaba servicio, ganó un concurso de diseño del escudo de renovación del área. Ese fue el impulso que lo llevó a abandonar la carrera militar y volver a su pueblo natal. Allí, junto con su familia, montó un negocio de publicidad, que le permitió desarrollar su creatividad. Durante cuatro años se dedicó a dicha actividad, hasta que un día decidió enfrentar el lienzo en blanco. Con pinturas y acrílicos, comenzó a plasmar su visión de un mundo mágico y colorido, inspirado en las culturas ancestrales, en la selva amazónica y en los animales que la pueblan, como el jaguar. Jhonatan expresa su vida y su pasión a través del pincel.
Jhonatan was born on January 9, 1994 in Puerto Leguizamo, Putumayo. He is the second of three brothers and since he was a child he showed his artistic talent. After finishing high school, he entered the military academy as a volunteer, with the dream of being a non-commissioned officer. However, fate had another mission in store for him: art. At the Marco Fidel Suárez headquarters in Cali, where he was serving, he won a competition to design the area's renovation shield. That was the impulse that led him to abandon his military career and return to his hometown. There, together with his family, he set up an advertising business, which allowed him to develop his creativity. For four years he dedicated himself to this activity, until one day he decided to face the blank canvas. With paints and acrylics, he began to capture his vision of a magical and colorful world, inspired by ancient cultures, the Amazon jungle and the animals that inhabit it, such as the jaguar. Jhonatan expresses his life and his passion through the brush.