Work Name
Talía Romo Xochitlotzin
Talia Romo Xochitlotzin is a visual artist who graduated from the Bachelor of Visual Arts at the Faculty of Arts and Design at UNAM. She was born in Mexico City. She has participated in various exhibitions in cultural venues such as the National Museum of Agriculture, Casa Jaime Sabines and Donceles 66. Her pictorial work is characterized by the use of stains and abstract colors that contrast with figures of a historical nature. She also performs performances that combine dance, music and video art, with the aim of reclaiming Mexican cultural roots. Some examples are "Cihuateteotl" and the pictorial series "Más que Máscaras". She has been a judge for the "Body Paint" contest at the Chapingo Autonomous University and currently teaches artistic development classes at the Texcoco Normal School. Her training includes African dance, Mexica dance, theater and other performing expressions that have nourished her creative processes.