Fabiola Osollo
Fabiola Osollo, originaria de Chihuahua, se destaca como artista plástica al descubrir su destreza para plasmar ideas, colores y formas desde una edad temprana. Tras graduarse en diseño gráfico, donde exploró diversas técnicas, dio paso a su incursión en el interiorismo. Sus creaciones otorgan a los espacios un distintivo toque y la tan necesaria calidez.
Con más de 15 años dedicados a embellecer hogares con sus obras, Fabiola encuentra en la pintura un acto liberador que le proporciona alegría y gratitud constante hacia la vida. Su objetivo es plasmar sentimientos, permitiendo que las personas se conecten con esas emociones. Disfruta transformando los lugares donde se exhiben sus obras, transmitiendo en esas áreas las sensaciones y conceptos meticulosamente creados para cumplir con el propósito para el cual fueron concebidos.
Fabiola Osollo, originally from Chihuahua, stands out as a visual artist, discovering her
skill in expressing ideas, colors, and forms from an early age. After graduating in graphic
design, where she explored various techniques, she ventured into interior design. Her
creations lend spaces a distinctive touch and much-needed warmth.
With over 15 years dedicated to beautifying homes with her artworks, Fabiola sees
painting as a liberating act that consistently brings her joy and gratitude towards life. Her
goal is to capture emotions, allowing people to connect with those feelings. She enjoys
transforming the places where her works are exhibited, conveying in those areas the
sensations and concepts meticulously, for wich They were created.
With over 15 years dedicated to beautifying homes with her artworks, Fabiola sees painting as a liberating act that consistently brings her joy and gratitude towards life. Her goal is to capture emotions, allowing people to connect with those feelings. She enjoys transforming the places where her works are exhibited, conveying in those areas the sensations and concepts meticulously created to fulfill their intended purpose.