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Carlos Eduardo, originario de San Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca, se ha destacado como artista plenairista. Después de trasladarse con su familia a los valles centrales, inició su trayectoria académica en diversas instituciones. Desde temprana edad, manifestó un profundo interés por el arte, experimentando con la plastilina y dedicándose al dibujo y la pintura.

En cierto período, se unió a la Casa de la Cultura Oaxaqueña, donde creó su primera obra en madera, titulada "El vagón rojo". Sin embargo, decidió aventurarse de manera independiente, explorando diversas técnicas artísticas hasta consolidarse en 2017, cuando optó por enfocarse en la pintura y el dibujo al aire libre.

A lo largo de su trayectoria, ha participado en exposiciones y concursos locales, indiviudales y colectivas, dentro del estado de Oaxaca. Sus logros incluyen varios reconocimientos otorgados por el gobierno y marcas locales.

Carlos Eduardo, originally from San Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca, has distinguished himself as a plein air artist. After moving with his family to the central valleys, he began his academic journey in various institutions. From an early age, he showed a deep interest in art, experimenting with clay and dedicating himself to drawing and painting.

At a certain point, he joined the Casa de la Cultura Oaxaqueña, where he created his first wooden piece, titled "El vagón rojo" ("The Red Wagon"). However, he decided to venture out on his own, exploring various artistic techniques until he consolidated his focus in 2017 when he chose to specialize in outdoor painting and drawing.

Throughout his career, he has participated in local exhibitions and competitions, both individually and collaboratively, within the state of Oaxaca. His achievements include several recognitions granted by the government and local brands.


Galería Amarillo78

+52  55 3155 1342

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