Daniel Hazard
Daniel Hazard, un pintor autodidacta internacional especializado en acrílicos, ha logrado vender sus obras en destacadas galerías de Seattle y Nueva York. En la actualidad, ha establecido su residencia en San Cristóbal, Chiapas. A través de su arte, Daniel plasma sus sueños e imaginación, generando ideas que son totalmente originales. Su anhelo es compartir estas creaciones con el mundo, llevando consigo un aura de misterio y belleza para enriquecer la experiencia de quienes aprecian su obra.
Daniel Hazard, an international self-taught acrylic painter, has successfully sold his works in renowned galleries in Seattle and New York. Currently, he has made San Cristóbal, Chiapas, his place of residence. Through his art, Daniel captures his dreams and imagination, creating ideas that are entirely his own. His aspiration is to share these creations with the world, bringing along an aura of mystery and beauty to enrich the experience of those who appreciate his work.