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Cecilia Álvarez
"Mi naturaleza hace que me aburra rápidamente de la rutina, por lo que mi trabajo está impregnado de imaginación, fantasía, magia y emociones que mi subconsciente fusiona con mis vivencias reales para crear una visión única de la vida. Ideas sobre lo real brotan en mi mente como mundos aparentemente imaginarios; me gusta construir imágenes sobre un fondo negro, el color del misterio y la profundidad. El resultado final de mis pinturas parece extraído de un sueño profundo, mostrando una realidad expresada a través del mundo surrealista que habita en lo más profundo de mi ser."
"My nature leads me to quickly grow bored of routine, which is why my work is infused with imagination, fantasy, magic, and emotions that my subconscious blends with my real-life experiences to create a unique vision of life. Ideas about reality emerge in my mind as seemingly imaginary worlds; I enjoy crafting images against a black backdrop, the color of mystery and depth. The final result of my paintings appears drawn from a deep dream, revealing a reality expressed through the surreal world that inhabits the depths of my being."
Cecilia Álvarez, escritora y artista plástica, proviene de una familia con un notable legado artístico, ya que sus padres también fueron artistas. Desde temprana edad, ha participado activamente en exposiciones y ferias de arte en México, así como en eventos y antologías internacionales en ciudades como Venecia, Roma, Londres, India, Palermo, Budapest, Madrid, Barcelona, San Remo y Malta. En 2022, recibió tres importantes reconocimientos internacionales por su mérito artístico: el Da Vinci International Prize en Florencia, el Caravaggio International Prize en Milán y el International Prize Barcelona durante la 4ta Bienal Internacional de Arte en esa ciudad española. En 2023, ganó el International Prize Pegasus en Venecia con su obra "Victoria's Dreams", lo que la destacó en la antología "Contemporary Celebrity Masters vol. III" bajo la categoría "The Top Artists".
En 2024, ha sido invitada a participar en una de las antologías de arte más importantes de Europa, "The Best Contemporary Masters 2024", curada por los italianos Salvatore y Francesco Saverio Russo.
Además de su labor artística, Cecilia es fundadora del estudio de arte y grabado giclée "ARTE EN TU PARED", donde crea diseños exclusivos para la decoración de hoteles, hogares y empresas. Como cofundadora y CEO de RED GLOBAL CREATIVA, lidera una empresa dedicada a promover el talento de artistas y escritores a nivel internacional a través de la revista "ESCAPARATE ARTS MAGAZINE", la Expo Internacional de Arte Creativo y la galería-librería virtual conocida como "GLAMOUR ART AND BOOKS".
Cecilia Álvarez es licenciada en Contaduría Pública y posee un máster en Educación. Durante más de 12 años, ha sido docente universitaria y colaboradora del Instituto de Investigación de Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad Tecnológica de México. Fundó el taller de arte "KIDS ART", enfocado en el desarrollo de habilidades motrices y psicoemocionales en niños, incluyendo aquellos con discapacidades, experiencia que la inspiró a escribir su primer libro titulado "EL INTERIOR DE LOS NIÑOS A TRAVÉS DE LOS COLORES", dirigido a padres, educadores y terapeutas. Ha participado en ferias internacionales en México, Chile y Argentina, y ofrece talleres especializados en desarrollo psicoemocional y descubrimiento del talento artístico.
Además, Cecilia es fundadora de Holistic ZENter, un centro especializado que ofrece terapias y clases para promover el bienestar integral de niños, adolescentes y adultos.
Cecilia Álvarez, a writer and visual artist, comes from a family with a notable artistic legacy, as her parents were also artists. From an early age, she has actively participated in art exhibitions and fairs in Mexico, as well as in international events and anthologies in cities such as Venice, Rome, London, India, Palermo, Budapest, Madrid, Barcelona, San Remo, and Malta. In 2022, she received three significant international recognitions for her artistic merit: the Da Vinci International Prize in Florence, the Caravaggio International Prize in Milan, and the International Prize Barcelona during the 4th International Art Biennale in that Spanish city. In 2023, she won the International Prize Pegasus in Venice with her work "Victoria's Dreams," which highlighted her in the anthology "Contemporary Celebrity Masters vol. III" under the category "The Top Artists."
In 2024, she has been invited to participate in one of the most important art anthologies in Europe, "The Best Contemporary Masters 2024," curated by Italians Salvatore and Francesco Saverio Russo.
In addition to her artistic work, Cecilia is the founder of the art and giclée print studio "ARTE EN TU PARED," where she creates exclusive designs for the decoration of hotels, homes, and businesses. As co-founder and CEO of RED GLOBAL CREATIVA, she leads a company dedicated to promoting the talent of artists and writers internationally through the magazine "ESCAPARATE ARTS MAGAZINE," the International Creative Art Expo, and the virtual gallery-bookstore known as "GLAMOUR ART AND BOOKS."
Cecilia Álvarez holds a degree in Public Accounting and a master's in Education. For over 12 years, she has been a university professor and collaborator at the Institute of Educational Technology Research at the Technological University of Mexico. She founded the art workshop "KIDS ART," focused on developing motor and psycho-emotional skills in children, including those with disabilities, an experience that inspired her to write her first book titled "THE INTERIOR OF CHILDREN THROUGH COLORS," aimed at parents, educators, and therapists. She has participated in international fairs in Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, and offers specialized workshops in psycho-emotional skill development and the discovery and enhancement of artistic talent and creativity.
Additionally, Cecilia is the founder of Holistic ZENter, a specialized center where various experts offer therapy and classes to promote the well-being of children, adolescents, and adults.
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